At a time when it would be easy to cower at the uncertainty of the future, my spirit and hope are soaring. I keep a small scrap of paper in my wallet that my grandmother sent me when I was a teenager. On it are a couple of verses from Jeremiah 29. I often turn to this scripture when I’m down or feeling like the future is not something to look forward to. Specifically, Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV):
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
This is great news both in our individual lives and for Covenant. As I stated initially, my spirit and hope are soaring because I am witnessing this scripture becoming reality in our own community of faith. Over the last few weeks, as we have prepared for Rev. Joanne’s retirement, the words of the prophet Jeremiah have proven to be true. We celebrated in style while exhibiting radical hospitality. We came together in solidarity, as strong as ever, to throw a huge celebration and provide for a lasting finish to Joanne’s ministry here at Covenant. We could have cowered and acted defeated, but we didn’t because the Lord has plans for us, plans for us to prosper, plans of hope, and plans for a future.
My hope for the future was further lifted as members and guests of Covenant signed up and volunteered for Lazy Daze in an impressive display of commitment. We received more drink donations than we could sell, and filled nearly every volunteer spot we had open. This is not an easy time for us as a church, but sticking together to carry out God’s plan for us certainly makes it feel like easy times. Lazy Daze is a great event where we come together as one body with many parts to accomplish a common goal. We chat, we work, we sweat, and we laugh, and we do it all together. Fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ is an active display of the Lord’s plans for us, plans for prosperity, plans of hope, and plans of a future.
In the midst of an unknown future, Covenant has come together. As I wrote last month, this is one of the things that makes Covenant great. We’re here for each other when we need to be. We bond and unite to form a stronger body than we could do as individuals. There will be challenges ahead of us, without a doubt. There will be times where we are uncertain of what the future holds. We may question the future for us personally, or question the future of Covenant. In those days, we need to continue to come together and work together for the common good of bringing the message of Jesus Christ to God’s people. In these times, I encourage you to recall the rest of the letter from the prophet Jeremiah 29:12-13:
“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
Peace and blessing as you carry out the future God has for your life.