The leadership of Covenant Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is truly a team effort. Covenant’s leadership consists of both ordained clergy and lay leaders. This section of our site is designed to give you an idea of our leadership structure and introduce you to our community of faith.
Congregation – The congregation of Covenant Christian Church is the ultimate governing body of the church. Each year, the congregation selects its own officers and leaders, approves our annual operating budget, and meets for a planning day to help guide the direction of the coming year. From time to time other matters of business are also brought before the congregation such as: Revisions of the Constitution and By-Laws and to call new pastors into our church.
General Board – Covenant’s General Board consists of the officers and leaders of the church. The General Board conducts business on behalf of the congregation throughout the year while congregational meetings are not in session. To learn more about visit our General Board Page